There Is A Fine Line
There is a fine line
Between Of and In,
“Be In the world
Not Of it,”
But I fear that the state
That the State is now in,
Too many people
Now love it.
Loving the state,
State Of being In love?
It’s oft hard to know -
Of or In?
And those not in love,
Where might they go?
The ugliest answer
Our Histories show:
The confusion in Of,
The unknowing of In,
Burn these less Stately souls
In an Of-In.
Between Of and In,
“Be In the world
Not Of it,”
But I fear that the state
That the State is now in,
Too many people
Now love it.
Loving the state,
State Of being In love?
It’s oft hard to know -
Of or In?
And those not in love,
Where might they go?
The ugliest answer
Our Histories show:
The confusion in Of,
The unknowing of In,
Burn these less Stately souls
In an Of-In.